GRWM!用年度愛用彩妝完妝! ♥ Nancy

by Ksnancy

GRWM!用年度愛用彩妝完妝! ♥ Nancy


2018年度的愛用品分享這次直接化上臉給大家看 每個品項只有一個愛用 真的是萬中選一 常看我IG直播化妝的人應該都會看過我用這些產品 真愛來的 More Nancy over here I N S T A G R A M ntsai25 小 紅 書 ksnancy Business Inquiries nancy_blogger hotmail com More information about this video 防曬LANCOME 超輕盈UV水凝露SPF50 PA 底妝Maybelline FIT ME反孔特霧粉底液 310shu uemura 花瓣肌粉亮粉底液 764beautyblender 美妝蛋遮瑕M A C 水漾輕盈遮瑕液 NC30眉毛GIORGIO ARMANI 風尚聚焦眉眼輪廓凝霜 02GIORGIO ARMANI 眉刷修容 陰影Physicians Formula butter bronzer PF10598 EcoTools 修容刷 打亮VB x Estee Lauder 輕光澤打亮粉餅 01EcoTools 扇形刷 鼻影Dior 專業後台眉彩盤 001淺色Sonia Kashuk 斜角刷唇彩Dior 癮誘超模染唇露 251眼妝 眼影ColourPop 眼影盤 Give It To Me Straightreal techniques 眼影刷shu uemura 扁刷TOM FORD 眼影刷 14 眼線shu uemura 3秒魔法眼線膠筆 01 睫毛CHANEL 睫毛夾Maybelline 挺飛翹纖長防水睫毛膏KISS ME 新翹力纖長防水睫毛膏腮紅NARS 炫色腮紅 高潮OrgasmLaduree 腮紅刷蜜粉GIORGIO ARMANI 輕紗裸光慕斯蜜粉餅 4real techniques 蜜粉刷 Edited using Adobe Premiere Music This Video is NOT sponsored



I Tried Following ONLY THE VOI...

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In today’s new video I try following a makeup tutorial by listening ONLY to the audio + voiceover. I first saw this crazy challeng...