叢林渲染手工皂DIY - jungle straight line swirl handmade soap tutorial

by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒

叢林渲染手工皂DIY - jungle straight line swirl handmade soap tutorial


在皂圈流行已久的斑馬渲 想必大家都不陌生 相同的做法只轉換一下切皂的方向就可以呈現出這樣的直線條 很有趣吧 這款皂是利用兒子上畫畫課的周末空檔製作 不小心把油溫加高了點又沒時間等待降溫 因此做完要放在保麗龍箱裡保溫才不會因為溫差過大而鬆糕 Most soap makers are quite familiar with the technique called tiger strip I use the same method in this soap but change the direction of cutting and get the straight lines I accidentally heated the oil higher than usual but I didn t have enough time to wait for cooling Therefore it s necessary to insulate to keep warm after pouring in mold 配方 recipe 榛果油 hazelnut oil 120g甜杏仁油 sweet almond oil 256g椰子油 coconut oil 200g乳油木果脂 shea butter 120g可可脂 cocoa butter 80g大豆蠟 soy wax 24g45 液鹼 45 naoh solution 264g牛乳冰塊 milk ice cube 130g廣藿香蜂蜜香精 patchouli honey fragrance oil 20ml皂用色液 colorant 適量 moderate二氧化鈦 titanium dioxide 適量 moderate 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com



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