Thank you for taking the time to watch my everyday makeup drawer video for the first few months of 2020! I will be switching out m...
所有曝光的單品 第一套 THE FUTURE IS FEMALE 褲子 CHUU帽子 ZARA外套 H M第二套 我是酷媽媽 褲子 free people 過季 鞋子 ZARA 童裝 包包 不明第三套 我可以 褲子 Levi s鞋子 全家 便利商店XD 包包 KIEHL S贈品第四套 芝麻街口袋T 上衣 UNIQLO UT裙子 Urban Research 過季 第五套 紅色滾邊黃字T 上衣 ZARA裙子 H M第六套 紅字白T 上衣 ZARA外套 Bisou Bisou Store 官網目前找不到這件了 褲子 CHUU More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結
Thank you for taking the time to watch my everyday makeup drawer video for the first few months of 2020! I will be switching out m...
Сбор средств на дом для животных и их мамы: Карта сбербанка 4276 5500 5874 9378 Валеева Екатерина Сергеевна. Донаты: http://www.do...
Trying many different kinds of chinese street food at Liuhe Tourist Night Market located south of Taiwan
#Kittisaurus Today, I made an apartment using plastic containers for my cats! My cats found them very comfortable to be in!
シーズン初「ラ・メールう」が観測されました。 2018.11.11 大宮公園小動物園にて(at OMIYA PARK ZOO in JAPAN) by rmera omiya
소울이와 첫 외출을 했어요
We're going back in time (or should i say... Back to the Future) for August's bullet journal setup! Hope you enjoy planning with m...
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