Handmade Cold Process Soap Making Large Batch

by Ophelia’s Soapery

Handmade Cold Process Soap Making Large Batch


I forgot to mention in the video I also added sugar to my lye water I will be going back to sodium lactate because adding them together made my soap a lot lighter in color for some reason I m sure it was the amount I used I use a lot of sodium lactate 5 of my oils so I added 3 of the sea salt My hardness seemed the same But I think adding that much lightened up my soap too much So this will be perfect if I m doing creamy natural looking soap This fragrance is described as an exotic blend of orchid jasmine and freesia with sensual musks and sultry sandalwood create this captivating fragrance Available soon We still have soaps from our November release Worldwide shipping available If you liked this video please consider subscribing Thank you so much for watching E q u i p m e n t Tell them I sent you




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