Wild Cat Fanatic Lives With 14...
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With FANTASTIC BEASTS The Crimes of Grindelwald out in theaters today I wanted Harry Potter s sorting hat to pick my makeup look Will I be part of Slytherin Gryffindor Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw The sorting hat decides and up to me to create a magical look to match Don t forget to thumbs up subscribe if you enjoyed watching this video ARE YOU LIKING THE NEW LOOK AND FEEL OF MY CHANNEL Make sure you comment the DUTCH WORD OF THE DAY Tovenaar to get a shout out in the next video or leave a video response on Instagram under DutchWordOfTheDay DISCOUNT CODES Discount Code NikkieThis discount code does NOT expire Can be used online in their Burbank California store Discount Code NikkieThis discount code does NOT expire LET S BECOME FRIENDS OTHER VIDEOS YOU CAN CHECK OUT Disclaimer This video is NOT sponsored by any of the brands mentioned throughout this video All thoughts mentioned are my own Some affiliate links are used They do not cost you anything but I make a small percentage from the sale Honesty is key on my channel thank you for supporting me ʕ ᴥ ʔ I love you
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【オススメ動画】 寝込んだ主人を見舞うインコたち https://youtu.be/UQ7YBA5WAwo
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다 :)
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After you guys fell in love with MamaTutorials when she did MY makeup back in December, I thought today would be the perfect day f...
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