Harvested Broccoli & Cheese Soup

by ByronTalbott

Harvested Broccoli & Cheese Soup


I m not the chattiest person in the world but when it comes to cooking I can blab just about anyones ear off so the video was a lot of fun for me to fillm I hope you guys enjoyed the little change in format because it definitely allows me to do a few different things that I ve wanted to do on my channel for quite sometime Recipe is for the soup is at the bottom BUSINESS INQUIRY byronlovesfood gmail comMAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356MOST USED TOOLS Iron Skillet Iron SkilletPepper Grinder Pepper GrinderINGREDIENTS 3 tbsp butter1 4 cup flour3 cups whole milk1 whole onion diced10 oz sharp cheddar cheese3 4 stalks of broccoli2 tsp crushed cardamom3 tsp crushed black peppersalt to tastelarge sourdough loaf



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