Hola Chola Becky G X Colourpop Review Is It Worth The Hype?!

by Christen Dominique

Hola Chola Becky G X Colourpop Review Is It Worth The Hype?!


S N A P C H A T ChristenSnapsT W I T T E R ChristenDTweets I N S T A G R A M ChristenDominique F A C E B O O K Christen Dominique and be apart of my family Domfam WANT TO HANG MORE Dominique CosmeticsEbatesHow I get cash back when I shop online Hola Chola Hi babes I m too excited to be reviewing this collection from becky G and Colourpop I normally don t do full reviews on collections but I had to do it for this one This new release is giving me MAJOR Latina nostalgia vibes I had to do a review of this collection right when I saw it I love Becky G and this collection is bringing me back I ll let you know if this collection is just all looks or if it s actually good formula wise so make sure to watch and find out M A K E U P Hola Chola Collections 90Pressed Bronzer in LA 9Pressed Bronzer in 310 9Very Cherry Roller Gloss 8Lip Bundle Traviesa 14Lip Bundle in Muñeca 14Lip Bundle is Payasa 14Hola Chola Palette 20 C O D E S Sigma Beauty Use code CHRISTEND Artist Couture Use code CHRISTEN15 Impressions Vanity Use code christend Lilly Lashes Use code christen Jouer Use code christen E Q U I P M E N T Camera Cannon 5D Mark IVLens Cannon 24 70 mm F2 8Editing Software Finalcut Pro X Music Background Music LoFi Chillhop by NikiNTrack Dancehall Reggaeton type Beat x Jerry D STRAWBERRYMusic provided by Sedivi Some links are affiliate FTC This video is not sponsored I want to also say that I m happy to have my subscribers as a part of my family here on youtube you guys make me so happy You encourage me everyday to keep doing what I love If no one has told you today I want you to know that you re beautiful and there is no one like you You are so special to me and I love you with all my highlight and contour



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