annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター http://twutea.web.fc2.com/ [BASE] ネットショップ アンナとラパン https://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/ [Etsy] 海外向け...
Day 20 of the Holiday Card Series 2018 The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week until November 30 On this day of the Holiday Card Series FULL SUPPLY LIST with links BELOW ENTER MY MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS M U S I C Intro Christmas Moment by Bluma PetersenEnd Jingle With Me by Flickering V I D E O I N F O Today s card features the A Very Merry Christmas stamp set from Gina K as well as FineTec pearlescent watercolors L I N K S S U P P L I E S Below are links to the items shown in the video Compensated affiliate links used when possible Items marked with an asterisk were provided by a store or the manufacturer All other items were personally purchased Items below are shown in the order they appear in the video with most visible products shown first Gina K Designs A Very Merry Christmas stamp set Bazzill Card Shoppe Licorice Twist Cardstock Tim Holtz Tonic Maxi Guillotine Paper Trimmer MISTI Stamp Positioning Tool MISTI bar magnet EK Success Powder Tool VersaMark Ink Brutus Monroe Alabaster embossing powder Sistema Storage Container for embossing powder Clips for embossing powder container Mini Spoons for embossing powder containers AZ Precision Heat Embossing Gun Hardboard 9x12 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape Finetec Pearlescent Watercolors 12 set Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles with Eye Dropper Escoda Prado Watercolor Brush Round 6 Simon Says Stamp 2 5 inch clear block T Square Ruler Sakura Gelly Roll White Pen 10 Bold Sakura Gelly Roll White Pen 10 Bold 3 pack Neenah Classic Crest Solar White 110 lbs 25 sheets Scor Pal Scor Buddy scoring board Simon Says Stamp Teflon Bone Folder 3M Scotch Foam Tape Dahle Self Healing Cutting 18 12 Mat M A I L I love receiving mail and hearing from you Please do not send gifts or products But I do love letters and seeing your handmade cards MAILING ADDRESS Kristina Werner770 E Main St 143Lehi UT 84043UNITED STATES D I S C L A I M E R Some product is provided by manufacturers for review and use Compensated affiliate links used where possible
annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター http://twutea.web.fc2.com/ [BASE] ネットショップ アンナとラパン https://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/ [Etsy] 海外向け...
명탐정 루루 영상을 만들어봤어요! 영상을 잘 만들어 보고 싶어서 이것 저것 하다보니 업로드가 조금 늦어졌어요. 영상을 잘 만들고 싶은데 정말 어렵네요 :( 그리고 이번엔 디디가 범인이 아니에요!!
#飾品多到佔了半集愛用品 #大家喜歡哪種類型的飾品 #有推薦的品牌可以留言給我 #感恩的心 / 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/tan...
In this video I show you how to create your own, pretty, gilded skeleton leaves! It's super simple, and you can make them with jus...
#watercolor #letsmakeawig HEYYYYY GUY'S I'm back with another video :) If you like this video give it a Thumbs up
Happy Sunday everyone! Sorry for being MIA on Youtube I've been working on some commissions and I'm currently in the process of mo...
DIY TripleZip CROSSBODY BAG | Multi Pockets Hipster Bag Tutorial [sewingtimes] This bag is small in size but has many pockets so ...
*ARCHES Rough 400lb Watercolor Paper, 100% Cotton size 8X8 *HOLBEIN Watercolors: Imidazolone Brown, Quinacridone Gold, Sepia, Cadm...
구독버튼 종모양을 눌러 최신알람 받아요♥ 응원의 댓글은 제게 정말 큰 힘이 됩니다!♥ ★톱니바퀴 클릭! 1080p 깔끔한 화질로 시청 할 수 있어요
10匹の猫たちのプライベートルーム(猫専用部屋)の生活をご覧いただけます。 [Cat Live since 2015] You can see the life of 10 cats' private room (cat-only room)
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