Holiday Decor

by Rachel Talbott

Holiday Decor


This video is sponsored by Cost Plus World Market Items Used from Cost Plus World Market COFFEE TABLESCAPE Birch Candle 3 x4 5 24 each 10 OFF Code provided at sign up Clear Glass Cheyenne Lantern Large 9 99 10 MANTLESCAPE Metal And Glass House Terrarium 12 99 each 10 White Glitter Paper Trees 14 9 99 10 Joy Wall Decor 9 99 10 TABLESCAPE Birch Candle 2 x4 5 24 each 10 Birch Candle 4 x6 12 74 each 10 Gray Wood Pillar Candleholder Small 12 99 each 10 Gray Wood Pillar Candleholder Medium 14 99 10 Pine And Pinecone Garland 7 99 each 10 Mini Pinecone Napkin Rings Set Of 4 9 56 10 Note Price points include decor pieces but foliage and items I already had are separate from that total MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS video is sponsored by Cost Plus World Market




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