HOLIDAY MAKEUP TUTORIAL Silky Skin + Red Lip / Kallie Kaiser

by Kallie Kaiser

HOLIDAY MAKEUP TUTORIAL Silky Skin + Red Lip / Kallie Kaiser


Hello loves Holiday Makeup tutorial using some of my favorites xo FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Snapchat KALLIEANN Makeup Links COMING SOON Primer Bobbi Brown Face BaseFoundation Laura Mercier Long wear Foundation Concealer Laura Mercier Long wear concealerBrow Styler Diorshow Brow pencil Bronzer Laura Mercier Matte BronzerBlush Laura Mercier PEACH colour fusion blush Highlight NARS Albatross highlighter Too Faced Tutti Frutti Paradise highlight duo Setting Powder Too Faced Born This Way EyesTransition crease shade Laura Mercier Candle glow sheer perfecting powderLid Shade Laura Mercier Loose setting powder Glow Liner Too Faced Tutti Frutti Twinkle glitter eyeshadowLipsBobbi Brown Luxe Matte Lipstick Red Carpet Narrsist Setting Spray Travel size Too Faced 3 in 1 Hangover Setting spray Brushes Highlight Brush Laura Mercier Fan powder brushTranslucent GLOW powder brush Laura MercierSong is from Epidemic SOUNDEmail for business inquires kallieAkaiser gmail com Xo hope you enjoyed this video



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