How I Design my Book of Shadows Pages

by The Green Witch

How I Design my Book of Shadows Pages


Hello there guys Today s I wanted to share a simple little video on how I design my Book fo Shadows Pages as it s a question I get asked quite often I do plan in the future to do a more in depth version of this video detailing many of the ins and outs for your own book but for now I wanted to start out slow The book of shadows is a highly highly personal book for a witch and it can be a bit daunting to share it with the world but I believe that as someone who tries to teach and share as much as I can it s important to give what I can of it to you all For more info on how you can help learn and donate to the Black Lives Matter Movement click the Black Lives Matter Link below My Other Channel My Patreon Social Media Instagram _annabel margaret_ the_paper_fernMusic all music from epidemicsound com except for that by Teddy Chipouras The Wind in Her Hair David Celeste Remove The Complexities Peter Sandberg As The Years Go By Johannes Bornlof Outro Teddy ChipourasTeddy s Socials and Links Instagram youtube website facebookEquipment Camera Canon EOS Rebel SL3 Drone DJI Mavic Pro




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