妹に甘えてたのに突然怒って顔面アタックをしてしまったちょり(^_^;)笑 結局最後はベタベタしてますw
Hey guys Kirsty here with another video for you all In today s video I m going to show you all how to make a diamond nail with facet effects OMG How cool is that One of you lovely lovely people on Instagram sent me this really pretty jewel like nail and asked how does she make the design I didn t know LOL So I sat and thought about the beautiful nail art how they possibly could have made it and after a lot of time stress and admittedly a few tears I figured it out learned the secret and now I m sharing it with you and I ve added my own twist to it using the wonderful Naio Nails products What I really love is the diagonal ombre colour transition that I create in this video using Bermuda Bay Infinity Lagoon and Celestial Nights I give it a really icy look which you can use to for a nice wintery look for some stylish nails this frosty season I put this design on a stiletto nail to give the nail a chilly icicle effect make sure the nail has sharp edges to really compliment the design Today s design is also a very layered design and will get very fiddly so make sure you ve got all the tools that you need which you can find all underneath the description Hope you all really enjoy the nail as much as I did making it please please please give the video a like subscribe to the channel and share the video with all your friend so you can all have the delightful nails over these winter months Love yas allKirsty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites DIAMONDFACETS DIAMONDCUTNAIL
妹に甘えてたのに突然怒って顔面アタックをしてしまったちょり(^_^;)笑 結局最後はベタベタしてますw
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