How I Organize My Washi Tape

by Heart Breathings

How I Organize My Washi Tape


Today I m excited to show you all how I organize my washi tape I have a few different places where I keep my washi but most of it lives in my office I definitely find that if I don t have it well organized I don t really know what I have which means I just don t use it or can t ever find what I m looking for Since we moved I had a perfect change to totally reorganize my washi tape so come along with me as I color coordinate my washi and get it organized again Note I recorded this when I was still pregnant a few months ago My sweet baby Evie is here now and almost 7 weeks old already Time is flying Social Media Planner coming soon Want to send me some Happy Mail I now have a PO Box Sarra Cannon3642 Savannah Hwy Suite 116 234Johns Island SC 29455_________Heart Breathings Episode 126_____About Me My name is Sarra Cannon and I ve been indie publishing since 2010 In that time I have published 25 books and sold well over half a million copies I ve made some mistakes along the way but I ve also learned some valuable lessons that I think will help you reach your goals I can t wait to help you learn to make money writing what you love ____ authortube Some of the links above are affiliate links meaning at no cost to you I may receive a commission on any purchase made through my link



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