How To Arrange a Crepe Paper Spring Bridal Bouquet

by Lia Griffith

How To Arrange a Crepe Paper Spring Bridal Bouquet


We love the idea of keeping your wedding bouquet beautifully preserved by making all of your flowers out of paper It s also a great way to include flowers that may not be in season yet and save money at the same time This crepe paper bridal bouquet includes our pretty pink peonies as the focal point I also mixed in several of our colorful crepe paper ranunculus blooms and ombré tulips Then I balanced out all of the colors and added some texture with a few white sweet peas Love DIY Join our craft community Don t Miss a Video Subscribe Got Questions Want to see a specific project Want to work with us Contact Ushello LiaGriffith comFind Us Online paperflowertutorial paperflowers



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