살려주세요! 일곱 고양이가 털을 뿜고 있어요
드디어 털갈이 시즌이 왔어요... 고양이들이 털을 뿜어대고 있어서 오늘은 고양이들 털을 빗겨줬어요. 정말 엄청난 것 같아요.
Hello friends Missed me I missed you VERY MUCH For this I want to please you with a new video from my last wedding In this video I show how to decorate a beautiful wedding photozone where newlyweds and their guests can make beautiful stylish and unique photos There are a lot of ideas for a photo zone and they are all wonderful Rate my photo zone for a wedding I hope you like it COMMENT BELOW and let me know what you think See my other WEDDING SERIES episodes and be sure you are SUBSCRIBED to my chanel XOXO Kseniya Find me TWITTER twitter com FlowerLab_uaFACEBOOK www facebook com flordesignkievINSTAGRAM www instagram com flor design www instagram com kseniyagrygorenko
드디어 털갈이 시즌이 왔어요... 고양이들이 털을 뿜어대고 있어서 오늘은 고양이들 털을 빗겨줬어요. 정말 엄청난 것 같아요.
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Toby got ants in his pants :D https://www.instagram.com/timo_the_ragdoll_cat
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