How to DIY Cute Whale Planter Pot + Magical Plant Sprout Polymer Clay Resin Tutorial

by PolymomoTea

How to DIY Cute Whale Planter Pot + Magical Plant Sprout Polymer Clay Resin Tutorial


Hey everyone This is PolymomoTea and for today s video I have a how to make diy craft sculpt this cute kawaii little Little Mermaid Sea Shell Terrarium tutorial made out of polymer clay and resin You will need polymer clay an oven bake clay that hardens once baked according to instructions Commons brands I use are fimo sculpey and premo Bought from Michaels Hobby Lobby or Joanns or Amazon Air dry clay works just as well Please refer to my FAQ Playlist for tricks tips and toolsAudio How it Began from YouTube Audio Library YOUTUBE Tumblr www polymomotea tumblr com



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