How to do Rainbow sky nails, rainbow clouds nail art trend. Clouds nail art

by Dorota Palicka Nails

How to do Rainbow sky nails, rainbow clouds nail art trend. Clouds nail art


In this tutorial I will show you how to do rainbow clouds nail art Doing sponge ombre as background and then painting clouds I m here every Monday afternoon and some Wednesdays and Saturdays with you to give you free nail education to help you expand your nail career Hope you enjoyed this tutorial If so please share it for me Join My YouTube Membership and see more videos on my You will also receive my love and gratitude Option for training with Diploma and Nails done by me also available Products used from Nail Perfect in UK Nail art brush Paint on French gel Painting Palette Agate Resin Awesome stuff Dust brushMy social media ibiza hotmail co uk Instagram dorotapalickaOn this YouTube Channel you will learn how to do beautiful nails with style Biography Dorota Palicka International Nail Artist and EducatorMy nail career started in 2005 since thennails are my bigest passion something which completely changed my life From a K P work in a kitchen with no English to the International Educator traveling over a continents to share a knowledge education and a passion to the nails In 2011 I became an educator since then I enjoy every single minute spend with my students As an Nail Educator I m fully qualified lecturer of further nail education with extensive industry experience offering my students the very best training available The aim of my courses is to provide the highest level of training possible backed with the best support program in the nail training industry to help my students achive bright nail career I offer online training at www beauty2trs com In 2018 we launched professional brushes for nail art available at www nailperfect net As an Educator I travel all over the world to teach the newest techniques available on the nail market and that a part of my carrier I will be concentrate in the next few years At the moment travelling around the world to teach my techniques I had a chance to show my nail art skills and techniques to artist in Iran Turkey Australia Poland Netherlands Iceland Dorota Palicka International Nail Artist And Educator is creating Nail art designs nail structure tutorials beauty Nail trends nails 2020 nailart nails nailtrends nailtraining nailtutorial nailchannel howtodonails nailarttrends




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