ショートカットから伸びてボブヘアーになってきました♡ そんな今月はほんのりフレンチシックな気分!
i actually made a how to improve your cursive video back in november but at the time my cursive was still not great but after a few months my curisve has been the best it has been my whole life And i learned a lot of essential and important cursive techniques within these past few months and i also developed a fool proof process to improve your cursive that anyone can do The process is similar to my how to improve your handwriting video becuase it s practically the same since cursive and handwriting are so similar to each other If you need more help leave a comment i know i had a lot of trouble with my b s and p s __________________________________________________supplies i used in the video __________________________________________________people that i mentioned in the video STUDYWITHINSPO me JOURNAL SANCTUARY _________________________________________ follow my social media accounts _________________________________________ MUSICmusic in the video outro evol marina and the diamondssong by the croft song Canals Chillhop
ショートカットから伸びてボブヘアーになってきました♡ そんな今月はほんのりフレンチシックな気分!
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