How to: Loose Braided Updo - KayleyMelissa

by Kayley Melissa

How to: Loose Braided Updo - KayleyMelissa


Hey hey Today I m showing you how to do this loose braided updo hairstyle It s perfect for a formal or homecoming Hope you love it Obviously braids are the best and you can wear this whenever you want but I think it s a great go to for weddings formals honestly anything where you want your hair to be a little fancy I think it d be really great for a bridal or bridesmaid style as well because it s fairly quick so less stress on the big day Videos to mix up your Hair Routine 5 Easy Morning Hairstyles Hairstyles for Scarves Winter Hats Margo Robbie Inspired Pigtails 3 Days of Heatless Hairstyles Clean to Dirty Follow and Chat with me at My Website www kayleymelissa com Instagram KayleyMelissa Pinterest kayleymelissa Facebook kayleymelissa Twitter kayleymelissa SnapChat KayleyMelissa For business inquiries kayleymelissa mattermediagroup com Mailing Address Kayley Melissa530 S Lake Ave 531Pasadena CA 91101 What I m Wearing Dress Asos comFTC This Video is not sponsored



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