美しいアート!!!芸術的な創作料理 BEST12
美しいアート!!!芸術的な創作料理 BEST12
In this video I show how to make a mini DIY Frankenstein Style Zen Garden cute and creepy stress relief toy Draw on the sand with miniature monster s hand rake and relieve your stress and anxiety during Halloween holidays This zen garden is the most scary among all my miniatures But I made it inspired by Mary Shelley s novel the pure classic This is not just a toy or decoration this is a miniature Japanese garden that helps with nerves and reduces stress When you focus on drawing wavy lines on the sand even with monster s hand LOL your mind rests and you feel such a great relieve In this video I show how to make 6 miniatures for this zengarden mini floor with miniature wood flooring mini capacitor the device that stores electricity note the capacitor I made just mine imagination for devices of 18th century mini surgical bed for Doctor Frankenstein s experiments mini stand for mini jars with chemicals miniature brain and mini rake shaped like monster s hand This DIY project is very easy cheap and fun I start with the base cardboard lid with sand and wood flooring cardboard double sided tape or any adhesive wooden stir sticks and watercolor Just in case you can get the sand from any pet shop The next DIY is a miniature electrical device capacitor You will need a small cardboard box aluminum foil LED tealights black acrylic paint and 4 push pins Or you can design your own The main to make this lab full of electrical devices The third mini DIY is a miniature stand with chemicals Paper drinking straw a piece of cardboard white fabric painted with watercolor old nail polish bottles and jute twine The fourth DIY project is a mini medical electrical bed the place where the Modern Prometheus Victor Frankenstein s monster was created The fifth miniature is a mini brain LOL Just a cherry on top for medical lab LOL You will need a walnut and acrylic paint to make it And the last as always in my miniature Zen Gardens mini rake made as monster s hand You will need a roll of baking paper hot glue acrylic paint and a popsicle stick To decorate this mini scene I also used old batteries and pieces of wire Have fun on Halloween Love Create Discover Idunn
美しいアート!!!芸術的な創作料理 BEST12
This is how the best butter in France is made. Artisans at Le Beurre Bordier hand-shape butter in front of you.
Coris Cooking Channel(こりすクッキングチャンネル)へようこそ☆ 今回はたった4つの材料を混ぜ合わせ泡立てるだけでできる本格プロの味のレアチーズケーキの作り方・レシピをご紹介します。 ゼラチンを使っていないのでとてもなめらかな食感と口どけで...
WARNING!: This video could make you ill lol I need to concentrate more on holding my cellphone steady when filming. But I thought ...
Instagram: diana_vingert
#11 일상의 기록 텃밭 가꾸기, 파블로바 vlog 브이로그
Hello everyone! In this video, I talk about the process of my first Acrylic Painting titled "Lolita" and I test the acrylic paints...
コタローが小さい時によく遊んでたひよこのおもちゃ。 しょっちゅう足をもがれては、いろんなところに足だけ置き去りにされていました。 そんなピヨ助が、軍団を引き連れてコタローの元に帰ってきました。
【親子で作ろう♪】ほうれん草の編み込みリースパン #ホームベーカリー Supported by Panasonic
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