Imagine Doggos - Radioactive
The most famous doggo group is bacc. this time, with a special guest named "broccoli pug". Preordner them tickets for their next c...
chocolate cake covered in buttercream icing designed with chocolate gold eatable decoration covering the top of the cake
The most famous doggo group is bacc. this time, with a special guest named "broccoli pug". Preordner them tickets for their next c...
今日は 活け物の甘鯛の良い物が有ったので 買って来て 鱗付きのまま三枚に下ろし薄く塩を振って 一日置いていた物を焼きました! 今年最初の動画で 恵比寿鯛の鱗の素揚げがとても美味しかったので 今日は鱗付きの焼き魚です! とても美味しく頂きました!!!!
My November 2019 fall/winter favorites and fails! The best & worst of the month - beauty, makeup, lifestyle, fashion + home favori...
乾燥のこの時期にかけて潤いあるツヤ肌メイクをしてみたよ! 最近のメイクより比較的ナチュラルに仕上げてみました^^ リップとチークの組み合わせが特にお気にいり♡
There were several questions regarding the HARRY hedgehog cafe, from the hedgehog videos that were uploaded two weeks ago. In res...
あるものを封入すると簡単に レジンの中に泡ぶくぶくにできます✨
I'm making a slipcover for Our DIY Camper 's jackknife sofa. Here are the final steps! Subscribe to my channel for more DIYs: http...
動画を見ていただいてありがとうございます。 今後のモチベーションに繋げるためチャンネル登録、評価してもらえたら嬉しいです。 Thank you for watching the video I would be glad if you could subscr...
МОЙ ИНСТАГРАМ: Я ВКОНТАКТЕ: - добавляйтесь :3 Twitter: https://twitte...
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