How To Make Animals Notebooks – DIY Dog, Panda And Koala Notebooks (with fasteners and bookmarks)

by IdunnGoddess

How To Make Animals Notebooks – DIY Dog, Panda And Koala Notebooks (with fasteners and bookmarks)


DIY notebooks tutorial In this video I show how to make cute Koala Panda and Dog notebooks and notepads Their ears are bookmarks and they can hold pencils in their arms which are also fasteners Oh and the dog holds pencils in it s mouth For all these three notebooks I use stiffened acrylic synthetic craft felt thickness 2 mm For DIY Panda Notebook you will need white and black felt a piece of velcro 2 paper clips a glue gun One panda s arm is a pencil holder and another one is a notebook s fastener Both ears are bookmarks For DIY Koala Notepad you will need grey black and a piece of white felt velcro and 2 paper clips Both arms are pencil holders and fasteners and ears are bookmarks For DIY Dog Notebook I made a sketchbook notepad you will need brown orange and a piece of black and white felt 2 paper clips velcro As for both previous dog s ears are bookmarks but the fastener and a pencil holder is a dog s mouth which I find extremely cute Hope you will like these cuties They are really awesome Good Luck Love Create Discover Idunn




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