TapiocaTapioca starch 100gCocoa powder 6g You can use matcha instead Water 65gSugar 40g I recommend coconut sugar or brown sugar Boil for 30 minutes To make it with potato starchpotato starch 100gCocoa powder 6g You can use matcha instead Water 100gSugar 40g Boil for 20 minutes Impossible to make with corn starch SyrupSugar 35gWater 70g ChaiWater 200gCinnamon stick 1Cardamom 2Cloves 2Black tea 8g With Ceylon tea leaves Milk 100g Tapioca can be preserved in the fridge for 2 3 days but it does lose the soft texture after the second day To bring back the chewy texture warm it up in the microwave and cool it in the fridge again After subscribing to my channel if you click the bell mark you can receive new video notifications I would be grateful if I could get thumbs up We post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram I also have a preview of the next new video so please do follow it FacebookTwitterEmojoie Cuisine Recipe Book In Japanese
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For my birthday month I’ve put all my favourite things into one little card! I present to you a vintage pansy friendship card wit...
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