4 Ferret Play Date! Raccoon P...
We had another nice day out during winter so I brought out the ferrets to get some fresh air and some sunshine. They got to run a...
TapiocaTapioca starch 100gCocoa powder 6g You can use matcha instead Water 65gSugar 40g I recommend coconut sugar or brown sugar Boil for 30 minutes To make it with potato starchpotato starch 100gCocoa powder 6g You can use matcha instead Water 100gSugar 40g Boil for 20 minutes Impossible to make with corn starch SyrupSugar 35gWater 70g ChaiWater 200gCinnamon stick 1Cardamom 2Cloves 2Black tea 8g With Ceylon tea leaves Milk 100g Tapioca can be preserved in the fridge for 2 3 days but it does lose the soft texture after the second day To bring back the chewy texture warm it up in the microwave and cool it in the fridge again After subscribing to my channel if you click the bell mark you can receive new video notifications I would be grateful if I could get thumbs up We post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram I also have a preview of the next new video so please do follow it FacebookTwitterEmojoie Cuisine Recipe Book In Japanese
We had another nice day out during winter so I brought out the ferrets to get some fresh air and some sunshine. They got to run a...
多肉植物の写真やネットショップの入荷情報をpostしています。イベント出店の際のお知らせもこちら。 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/porto_taniku/
Today, we're going DEEP into the heart of downtown Marrakech, to try some AMAZING Moroccan Street Food. You can explore with us as...
광장시장에 가면 먹을수 있는 비빔국수 (6,000KRW) 평창칼국수 평창 칼국수가 장사한지 43년됐다고 하네요. 광장시장에서 가장 오래된 칼국수집이라고 합니다.
Thanks for watching!Show more(请下拉查询详细信息)↓ 真的好久没有上传视频了,失踪人口回归啦!这次视频主要是推荐一些我个人觉得可以入手的优衣库×IDLF的单品。这个系列有惊喜,当然也有很多hold不住的南法风情,希望能给你们一个参...
10 Cool Ideas for Halloween Parties 👻 Halloween Makeup Tutorial 2018 Thanks for watching! Please like and subscribe - http://bit.l...
A girl in a hat Watercolor portrait painting 모자를쓴 소녀 를 그려보았습니다.
해먹위에서 쉬고 있을 때 고양이 놀려먹는 재미. 얼마나 재밌게요?
In this episode of Tina Tries It, I test out the new Tati Beauty Palette and compare the PR one with a purchased palette. Is the q...
大人気ADDICTIONのザ アイシャドウ 99色がリニューアルして8/28に発売されます。 全く新しい5つの質感でレイヤード「パール」「スパークル」「マット」「クリーム」に加わった「ティント」 今回ピックアップしたカラーは既存色・4月に発売されたサマーコレク...
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