crochet pansy かぎ針編み パンジーのモチーフ ...
original pattern by Mikancl
Dried Crispy Fluffy Slime Recipe 1 Wood Glue PVAc 2 Clear Glue3 Body Wash Clear n Clear Useful Bodywash or Clean N clear Is for slime more holdable4 Slime Activator I use slime activator from borak or you can replace slime activator with others like contact lens solution Baking sodaDISCLAIMER before playing Slime I want to remind You guys borax here I only use for reconstituted and used outside to make slime is not to be consumed do not touch borax with open arms use tools to use and use as needed if your hands are allergic to the chemicals do not use it substitute borax find other alternatives such as contact lens solution Baking soda and after playing slime do not forget to wash your hands with clean well it shall know So Enjoyed My Video _ sebelum bermain slime aku mau mengingatkan kalian semua teman borak disini aku hanya menggunakan untuk dilarutkan dan digunakan diluar untuk membuat slime bukan untuk dikonsumsi jangan menyentuh borak dengan tangan terbuka gunakan alat untuk menggunakannya dan gunakan seperlunya jika tangan anda alergi terhadap bahan kimia jangan menggunakannya cari alternatif lain pengganti borak seperti contact lens solution Baking soda dan setelah bermain slime jangan lupa cuci tangan kalian dengan bersih yah itu wajib lho Resep Dried Crispy Fluffy Slime 1 Wood Glue PVAc 2 Clear Glue3 Body Wash Clear n Clear Kegunaan Bodywash atau Clean N clear Adalah untuk slime lebih holdable4 Slime Activator aku menggunakan slime aktivator dari borak atau kalian bisa mengganti slime aktivator dengan yang lainnya seperti contact lens solution Baking soda
original pattern by Mikancl
This metallic Blue eyeshadow look is very 80's but I've added a modern twist by creating a metallic Pink spotlight on the centre o...
ダイエット記録 本日61.7kg(14日目)
HELLO!! Today I wanted to start a new series where I share with you what I feel like is the “BEST” of a brand! I wanted to kick of...
つや消しラミネートを使いました。 BOX型(*^-^) ラミネートなので、裏は切りっぱなしです。
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「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画2017 #127 #猫かわいい #猫 私のチャンネルを購読する →
Learn how to make my "Fabulous Fig Cake" recipe! A delicious fall breakfast treat that is made with fresh figs, a delicate cake b...
Corn is a summer staple! Give these 5 recipes a go during these next summer months! If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch...
Sharing How I Colored Potions and Strawberry using Prismacolor Pencils.
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