Брошь пчела. Брошь из бисера. ...
Канитель я покупаю тут http://kaniteli.ru/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=kanitel%20amapola&utm_term=kanitel%20o...
HoneyCastera How_to_Make_Castella Sponge_CakeHow to Make Easy and Fluffy Honey CastellaLet s make delicious and fluffy honey castella Please subscribe share alarmInstagram instagramFacebook page facebook pageIngredients Mold Size Width 12cm Width 8cm Height 5cm X 5 pieces Can also be used as a muffin pan approx 12 14 40g butter 70g milk 40g honey5 egg whites 110g sugar5 yolks vanilla extractCake flour120gPreheat the oven Follow all the actions of the video to ensure product qualityPlease put only 70 80 of the moldReduce cooking time when using muffin pans 155 to 165 C 311 to 329 F 7 minutes 150 to 155 C 302 to 311 F 10 to 15 minutes depending on oven specifications The video will only be uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV Prohibit unauthorized theft secondary editing and re upload of videos Rude comments will be deleted
Канитель я покупаю тут http://kaniteli.ru/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=kanitel%20amapola&utm_term=kanitel%20o...
想知道日式拉麵上面裝的雞蛋做法? 連中間滑潤的蛋黃也很有入味的 超級好吃糖心的做法影片來了! 大家一定要試試看喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و 〜♫
Stay home and learn 10 Hand Sew Blanket Stitches with me. There are many amazing DIY projects that require a bit of sewing, but th...
ひとりで寝られないけど、どこでも寝れるハナ。 腕に抱きついて寝たり、天を仰いで寝たり、朝焼けを浴びながら寝たり。寝顔はやっぱり女の子❤︎
Hi guys, welcome to my channel: Wow! Delicious Food
สอนพับใบเตยดอกกุหลาบ แบบง่ายๆ สำหรับตกแต่งบ้าน หรือไหว้พระ
極太爪とぎの昇り降りがかわいい豆大福たちです^^ それぞれの降り方登り方が個性的でおもしろいです♬
聽吳念真說故事。 當我們有能力了,是否記得曾經被幫助?了解【Be A Giver】:http://goo.gl/XFQw98
Please set English subtitles in the video setting :)
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