How to make Fluffy Souffle Pancake /Recipe - ふわふわスフレパンケーキ レシピ

by Sora Machida

How to make Fluffy Souffle Pancake /Recipe - ふわふわスフレパンケーキ レシピ


How to make Fluffy Souffle Pancake Recipe ふわふわスフレパンケーキ レシピ Ingredients 5 6pancakes 2 eggs 40mL milk any type 1 tea spoon vanilla essence 20g sugar Squeeze of lemon juice added to meringue 40g or 1 3cup self raising flour Alternatively you can use plain flour all purpose flour 1 2 teaspoon baking powder Banana Walnut mint and honey for decoration Recipe 1 Separate egg white and yolk 2 Combine egg yolk vanilla essence and milk Mix well 3 In a separate bowl whisk egg white to create meringue Add sugar gradually and lemon juice Whisk until soft peak forms 4 Sift self raising flour and combine it with batter made in step 2 5 Gently fold meringue into batter Make sure you do not over mix it 6 Pour the batter onto the pan preheated at 140 7 Cook well for 1 2minutes on each side 8 Decorate it with walnut mint and honey I added some sautéed banana Find me also on Instagram sora_monnom



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