How to Make JAPANESE GARLIC FRIED RICE (Recipe) ガーリックライスの作り方 (レシピ)

by Just One Cookbook

How to Make JAPANESE GARLIC FRIED RICE (Recipe) ガーリックライスの作り方 (レシピ)


Garlicky and buttery this simple Japanese Garlic Fried Rice topped with garlic chips is full of flavors You can enjoy this fried rice recipe with many dishes including grilled shrimp Ingredients 2 rice cooker cups uncooked Japanese short grain rice2 3 cloves garlic2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 30 ml 1 Tbsp unsalted butter 15 g Skip for Vegan 1 tsp soy sauce 5 ml Use GF soy sauce for GF ¼ tsp kosher salt or more for taste freshly ground black pepper3 stalks parsleyGrilled Shrimp Skewer Optional 6 medium size shrimp½ Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp sake 15 ml kosher saltfreshly ground black pepper FOLLOW JUST ONE COOKBOOK COOKING EQUIPMENT MUSIC Music courtesy of Audio Network VIDEO EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE Adobe Premiere



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