How to make Japanese Traditional Sweets Nerikiri Chrysanthemum

by decocookie

How to make Japanese Traditional Sweets Nerikiri Chrysanthemum


i made japanese traditional sweets Wagashi edible sweet clay called Nerikiri this time i made Chrysanthemum shaped nerikiri candy in japan tomorrow is the Chrysanthemum Festival some people have chrysanthemum scented or floating petals on sake and some people eat rice cooked with chestnuts or chrysanthemum shaped candy and some decorate chrysanthemum flowers nerikiri dough consists with white sweet bean paste shiroan and mochi it very sweet and be excellent with japanse green tea sencha or matcha ingredients20g white nerikiri dough15g koshian red sweet bean paste 5g pink nerikiri dough0 5g green nerikiri dougha little yellow nerikiri dough decocookie Wagashi Nerikiri




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