How To Make Paper

by Shmoxd

How To Make Paper


What up guys So today I m going to show you how to make some paper So what you re going to need is a mold and deckle a blender a bin to hold water a rolling pin a lil plastic sheet some paper to recycle and something to soak up water like paper towel or sponge or shammy To make the mold and deckle I used two picture frames two wooden dowels a drill a staple gun and a screen I m the worst tenant in the world and just used a screen from one of my windows Remove the prints from the picture frames I actually made the print on recycle paper So thats cool I guess _ ツ _ Take out the metal clips that hold in the picture If you do the next part where I drill holes to put the dowels in as little guides you ll want to make sure the frames a wooden The dowels should fit snug in the deckle then make the holes a little wider in the mold so its not a tight fit After that cut out your screen to fit and staple on each side making sure the screen is fairly tight Cut off the excess screen To make the pulp take the recyclable paper tear it up and put it in a blender with water I got the blender from a thrift store cause I didn t want to ruin a nice blender Blend it up till its to a consistency where there aren t big chucks of solid paper If you want the paper all white you can filter out some of the stuff with just water and your mold You can also wash the pulp with dish soap or laundry detergent If you want to bleach paper you can also do that just be sure to rinse out all the bleach The mold makes for a good strainer Once you have your pulp add it to a tub of water The water need to be about 2x as deep as the mold and deckle is tall That way you can move the mold and deckle around freely and the pulp mixture will go on top Pull up the mold and deckle and the water will strain out giving you a nice even layer of pulp Oh You can also add shorting to the pulp water mixture for some sizing this will help the paper be nice and strong take off the deckle and put a screen on top That way when you dry the pulp it won t stick to the paper towel or what ever you are using to dry You ll see a little later in the video I figure out a better way to get the paper off the mold You just hold the mold up side down with the screen on the bottom and blow off the paper Then put the plastic sheet on the paper side remove the screen and add a paper towel and use a pin roller to get more water out and also that will shmoosh the paper agains the plastic sheet giving it a smooth side on one side I then went a little nuttso and tried adding a bunch of stuff to the pulp water mix like Pressed flowers felt string different colored pieces of paper paint copper flakes sprinkles pine needles Christmas ornaments candy drugs glitter fish food a taco an iPhone and oil _ ツ _ soooo you guys could try to put what ever you want in the paper mix my favorites were honestly the strings and felt You could also start a free trial today _ ツ _ Also I m thinking about starting a Patreon if you guys have any ideas or things you would like for the rewards just lmk Equipment I got most of the stuff from thrift stores and things just laying around my house this go around Plastic Bin my roommates drawers BlenderRolling pinplastic sheets I actually just used page protectors paper towels sponge or shammy starch for sizing Mold and Deckle Screen from one of my windows 2 picture frameswooden dowelsdrillstaple gunscreen Music Tusken Cloud 9Pulsmu PineCLVS JulyFollow me and watch the art process Like Comment Share or what ever _ ツ _



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