Cooking Huge Spanish Paellas a...
Shabu Shabu is a popular Japanese style hot pot where the meat and assorted vegetables are cooked in a flavorful broth called kombu dashi Everyone at the table takes part in the cooking and enjoys the ingredients with different dipping sauces It s intimate yet casual and a whole lot of fun RECIPE starts 00 51Prep Time 15 minsCook Time 15 minsTotal Time 30 minsServings 4INGREDIENTS1 kombu dried kelp 10 g 3 x 3 or 7 5 cm x 7 5 cm 1 package udon noodles 9 oz 250 g I like Sanuki Udon 8 leaves napa cabbage 12 oz 340 g ½ bunch shungiku Tong Ho Garland Chrysanthemum 4 oz 113 g 1 Negi Long Green Onion 4 oz 113 g Use 2 green onions 1 package enoki mushrooms 7 oz 200 g 1 package shimeji mushrooms 3 5 oz 100 g 4 shiitake mushrooms 2 3 oz 65 g 2 inches carrot 2 3 oz 65 g 1 package medium firm tofu 14 oz 396 g 1 lb thinly sliced beef chuck or rib eye 450 g Remember 4 5 oz 113 140 g per person To Serve 2 inches daikon radish 5 oz 143 g 2 green onions scallions 0 9 oz 25 g Shichimi Togarashi Japanese seven spice Sesame Sauce homemade recipe on the blog Ponzu homemade recipe on the blog shabushabu しゃぶしゃぶ hotpot 鍋の季節 justonecookbook FOLLOW JUST ONE COOKBOOK COOKING EQUIPMENT MUSIC Acoustic Delight 7 Johan Hynynen Acoustic Lightness 1 Stefan Netsman Soft Acoustic 9 Stefan Mothander VIDEO EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE Adobe PremiereHow to Make Shabu Shabu しゃぶしゃぶの作り方 レシピ
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ケイトから2/1に発売の「ケイト パーツリサイズシャドウ」は新発想のアイシャドウ! 下まぶたに重点をおいたアイシャドウで、ほほの余白が埋まり小顔印象が際立つ顔に仕上がりに👀 でか目と小顔が一気に叶えられる理想的なアイシャドウなんです💡 カラー展開も豊富なのでぜ...
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