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Распаковка от GlobalFashion - https://youtu.be/7m9x-Nqb2Uw
Thrift store DIY s are the best Who doesn t love a good find from a thrift store Especially when you can do a little DIY and create an awesome high end look That s exactly what I tried to create in this video Using only a few items from around my house I have a TON of spray paint and a few items from the Dollar Tree I really hope you enjoy the video and it inspires you to up cycle your own thrift store finds If you don t have the materials on hand I ve linked some similar Amazon items to the ones I used down bellow Spray Paints Rustoleum Flat Black Krylon Matte Sand Dollar Caulking Spackling Hot Glue Gun Hot Glue Sticks Just a heads up as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases dollartreediy dollartree cheapdecor dollarstore diy farmhousedecor farmhousediy diydecor cheapcrafts juterope diyrug craftideas bohodecor
Распаковка от GlobalFashion - https://youtu.be/7m9x-Nqb2Uw
The first 1000 people to click this link https://skl.sh/thediydesigner5 get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium!! SUBSCRIBE + Clic...
BUY A CAMEO HERE -http://shrsl.com/16n1w BUY A INKJET PRINTER - https://amzn.to/2Yz7jFb Visit my Amazon store https://www.amazon.c...
謝謝你的生物! ! Tokoton挖軍團!所以,可愛的小貓
GLAM halloween decor is what were making in this super fast and easy video. I want to show you how you can turn a few dollar tree...
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다 :) 사랑스러운 혼혈견 지식이에요!
Полый шнур - как кайма для начала вязаных изделий спицами. Этот метод отлично подойдет для вязания изделий лицевой гладью. У многи...
1年ぶりに高い魚お兄さんからモウカの星を入荷したので料理してみました!魚おじさんにも分けてあげました! ☆へんな魚おじさんhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDJ_L7aJsijdUKXQgy7GXhA ★サブチャンネル始動!→...
인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/silver_snow_/ 이메일 : eunsul9988@hanmail.net 블로그: http://blog.naver.com/eunsul9988 네이버 tv : http:/...
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