Starting a K-Pop Journal! (BTS...
you guys have been asking me to do this for SO long so i finally did it! I started a K-Pop Journal! I hope you guys enjoyed listen...
PRODUCTS MENTIONEDDISCLAIMER Today s video is SPONSORED by Bite Some of the above links marked with are third party affiliate links meaning I make a small amount of off your purchase this allows me to build a secret foundation crypt in which I can hoard secret foundationspicture me as scrooge mcduck but instead of gold coins it s a pool of foundationsecret foundationthat would be real hard to swim in and i actually don t think i m adept enough at my backstroke to commit to this probably let s scratch thati ll put the money toward bills instead
you guys have been asking me to do this for SO long so i finally did it! I started a K-Pop Journal! I hope you guys enjoyed listen...
もも「モンスターはつらいね。初対面でいきなり攻撃されたりするんだって」 天「みんなに愛されるモンスターもいるぞ。ポケモンていうやつらがいてな、、、」 もも「でもいいの!ももはいつかモンスターに会ったら優しくしてあげるの♡」 天「ももがいつもぶんぶん振り回してる...
週末の夜はかなりまったり インスタグラム ツイッター
New Year Nail Art Designs Winter 2020 | The Best Christmas Nails💓👍 🔔Subscribe to our channel for more incredible ideas! http://bi...
Whhaaaaaaatup! What up guys. So today i'm going to show you how to hand stitch a patch.
ゆるっと雑談メイクです。 朝のメイクや夜の晩酌など・・・ ラジオみたいに聴きながらチラッと見てもらえたら嬉しいです♡
The Anastasia Riviera Palette is so colorful and versatile! I love that you can create such diverse looks with this one. I truly h...
バターが高いのでオイルのクッキーを焼きました。 粉の中に加えたのは「オリーブオイル!」 ザクザク~の固いクッキーはちょー私好み♡ なんなら桃なんかも林檎並みに固いのが好きです。 バターのクッキーと比べると風味の点で負けますが、食べ物は勝ち負けでなく好みだと思う...
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