How to make the best and easiest coconut macaroons | 3 ingredients, ready in 15 minutes.

by French Cooking Academy

How to make the best and easiest coconut macaroons | 3 ingredients, ready in 15 minutes.


INGREDIENTS 2 egg whites use small eggs 125 grams white granulated sugar125 grams desiccated coconuta pinch of salt1 teaspoon of vanilla extract IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS PLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Spread the word about the channel and the websiteUTENSILS AND COOKWARE STARTER KIT Heavy duty cutting board wood Essential utensil set Kitchen scales Us Oz and metric grams Measuring cups set Great starter cookware set tri ply clad A good nonstick pan KNIVES AND KNIFE SETS Great value chef knife Forged knife set mercer culinary Fibrox knife set victorinox GREAT CULINARY BOOKS TO HELP IMPROVE YOUR COOKING The professional chef Le garde manger Paul Bocuse Institute culinary book The complete robuchon The professional Patry chef Baking and pastry mastering the art Beautiful French Pastry recipe book CULINARY REFERENCE GUIDES Escoffier culinary guide in english Larousse gastronomique Le repertoire de la cuisine in english World atlas of wine



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