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SUBSCRIBE: Instagram: Trending Makeup on Instagram #16 | Best Makeup Compilations Chri...
What up guys So today I m going to show you how to make some stickersFirst off a thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring the video If you need a domain website online portfolio or store Make your next move with Squarespace So I have this note book with some of my drawings in it and I thought it would be cool to turn those into some black and white stickers I threw them on the computer on Illustrator I used the pen pencil and blob tool to get the outline then I threw it on a pink background so you could see the transparency filled it in with white and started erasing the white After I got them all done I rearranged it on my art board to fit half real nice I then added registration marks These will be important later and you ll see why But it s important to make them before you copy it over on the second half of the art board so then copy it make one all black by taking out the white and the other one all white by taking out the black you should be able to lay the black copy over the white and line it up with the registrations marks so check that now Next I have this clear vinyl I kept on calling it vellum smh that I will be print on oooo see through so I cut it in a sheet the size of the sticker sheet First think I used was acrylic paint this chalk paint stuff And when I m printing it it would be nice to have like a clamp or something holding it down For now we will just use Romney s hands I did two passes annnnnd it looks good I wanted to do a bunch of different sheets of these at the same time but I waited to long and the paint had dried in the screen Every where that the paint has dried it won t come out when you print it That sucked but I moved on and did the black next I traced the registration marks so you can kind of see what I m doing With the black screen I m just lining it up with the registration marks so its all lined up when I print the black So you can see here I don t have cute lil romneys hands holding down the screen I mean it helps but it s not completely necessary As you can see it worked and it look prettttty gooowd I didn t want the black to dry in the screen so I washed it out immediately but you can still see it still kind of dried in the little details of the screen I though maybe water based ink or paint wasn t the best idea so I though I would dry some oil based paint I wasn t having the best of luck with it It kept like blowing out I tried it a couple times but it all suuuucked So I went back to what I know best which is plastisol ink which is like the standard t shirt ink The thing about it is in order to cure the ink you have to put it in the oven or heat it up to like 360 degrees I printed the white first and it looked good I threw that in the oven at 360 degrees for like 10 seconds I thought I was good but when I marked the registration mark and tried to line up the black screen I noticed the heat from the oven shrank my sticker sheet It doesn t look terrible but it wasn t what I wanted so I tried it again But what I did is I took the sheet and before I printed it I put it in the oven to pre shrink it printed it again put it in the oven for only like 2 seconds marked the registration marks printed the black and threw it back in the oven This time everything was looking good How to screen print some stickers Now that I have a bunch of stickers I m going to throw them up on my website if you wanna snag some Speaking of websites Another huge thank you to Squarespace for supporting this video If you guys need a website domain name online portfolio or store I would go with Squarespace Mostly because of how user friendly everything is Before I was having a pretty difficult time to have a real simple and secure way to let people use credit cards and what not for an online store and square space came in clutch for me Here are some links to the stuff I used Like Comment Share or what ever _ ツ _
SUBSCRIBE: Instagram: Trending Makeup on Instagram #16 | Best Makeup Compilations Chri...
100均DIY! ダイソーの「毛糸deリリアン サークル」と毛糸で簡単かわいい手作り手袋/アームウオーマーの作り方をご紹介します! 今回は親指が出る手袋を作りました!
うさぎのポポちゃん育成日記 ★子ウサギが連続パンチしてきたから〇〇〇〇して返り討ちにしたった
紙皿は直径18cmのものを、 柊の葉は7.5×7.5cmサイズの折り紙を8枚使いました。 ポインセチアは15×15cmで作ったものです。作り方は別の動画で紹介しています。 紙皿には両面テープで貼りました。
안녕하세요❤ 오늘은 페키니즈 솜이의 곰돌이컷영상 준비했어요~~ 짧은 다리와 물범같은 뒷태에 애교 장착까지 절로 웃음이나는분 손손👋👋 **심장에 안좋은 영상 조심** 좋아요와 구독은 ❤❤❤입니다~^^
This is video tutorial to accompany my Anemones and Succulents Embroidery Pattern. Hopefully this video helps to clarify the stit...
This is a video for anyone who at any point felt like having dark skin was an inconvenience, a set back, or a flaw. This video I w...
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