こんにちは!元美容部員でshabon編集長のちばです(*^^*)✨ 「アイラインがうまくひけない!」というコメントをとても たくさん頂いたので詳しく解説しました。
Hey Sweet Peeps Mother s day is coming this weekend so I thought its the perfect time to show you a tutorial on how to pipe royal icing to make 3 different gorgeous flowers Who wouldn t love to receive edible flowers as a gift right I know i would gobble it up LOL Anyway you will learn how to pipe your royal icing to create Camellia Daffodils and Cosmos flowers they will be perfect for spring time BONUS tutorial included As requested I have also included the tutorial on how to prepare your icing to create the two tone shading for the flower petals you re welcome Just a note to say that all these flowers are created with stiff consistency icing and mostly with petal piping tips I will list of all my tools and resource below as usual and the tips I used are in my videos If like this video please leave a thumbs up and I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to my channel as it is through your support that I will able to make more videos THANK YOU SO MUCH Subscribe Likes Share Enjoy Turn on the Notification bell to stay updated If you love my tutorials and want to show your support as well as wanting to see more from me please consider buying me a cup of coffee It will go a loooongggg way in getting me thru the a long series of decorating sessions and all the late nights video editing sessions Thank you so much in advance and it will truly means a lot to me All my cookies decorated with Royal icing so if you are NEW to cookie decorating these video tutorials will help you in your cookie decorating journey Here are some information on the cookie tools that I used in this video Cutters Camellia Flower cutters small with leaf Daffodil flower cutters I used a simple flower cutter part of this set Cosmos Flower cutters I used round Circle Two sided cutter sets Scribe tool from Scribes by Vivid SisterPiping Tip 103 petal tip Piping Tip 104 petal tip Piping Tip 14 open star tip PME leaf tip ST52 ORWilton Leaf Tip 352 PME tip 1 5 Or you can get a writing set which comes in handy like this one PME Writing Tip Set of 3 Tip 1 1 5 2 Tipless piping bag Plastic couplers to use with any piping tip Offset Spatula Food Doodler Fine tip edible pen in yellow to draw guidelines Cookie Swivel Turntable from LC Sweets OR here is another option from Amazon I have both and they are both great for decorating Cookie Turntable White non slip matt to put on top of the cookie swivel to prevent cookies from sliding around Follow me on Instagram Facebook Visit my blog website for ideas inspiration recipes and tutorials MUSIC Artist Nicolai Heidlas Songtitle Sunny Holidays CookieliciousNZ CookieDecorating PipedFlowers
こんにちは!元美容部員でshabon編集長のちばです(*^^*)✨ 「アイラインがうまくひけない!」というコメントをとても たくさん頂いたので詳しく解説しました。
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Come and laugh at some of the funniest animals on the internet!
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Hey Sweet Peeps,
Just look how all these cats and kittens behave, play, fail, make funny sounds, react to different things,... So ridiculous, funny...
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