【春に向けて】冬メイクのマンネリ解消!買い足しコスメ 久恒美...
❤本日は冬メイクのマンネリ解消!!をテーマに『春に買い足すべきコスメ』を紹介しました!!なんだかいつも同じようなメイクになってしまいがち...。そんな悩める方必見です💑✨ いつものメイクのマンネリを解消しましょう~!!
In this video I m going to share the basics of how to use a hair stick to pull up your hair I m also going to show you three different hairstyles that are super quick and easy to do and don t require any other tools beside the hair sticks This video is part of a paid collaboration with S A Y A Designs Thank you for the support My name is Lucy I m a 25 year old girl from the Netherlands and I m here to offer an alternative approach to beauty On this channel I do mostly hair tutorials where I show you how to braid pin and style your own hair I recreate hairstyles from movies tv shows and I regularly come up with my own which I love to share with you I do lifestyle and beauty videos as well ranging from wearable everyday looks makeup tips and DIY natural beauty treatments to fashion lookbooks vegetarian recipes and more extreme Halloween tutorials If you enjoy history you ve come to the right place as well I have a few series based on historical makeup and hairstyling that are my little passion projects Enjoy browsing Love Lucy
❤本日は冬メイクのマンネリ解消!!をテーマに『春に買い足すべきコスメ』を紹介しました!!なんだかいつも同じようなメイクになってしまいがち...。そんな悩める方必見です💑✨ いつものメイクのマンネリを解消しましょう~!!
姆姆小枕頭與姆姆 一起渡過慵懶的下午 (๑´ڡ`๑)
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(?歳♂)
他們排班擋電腦沒辦法剪片啊 ಠ_ಠ (被揍) 整集都沒有卡布 因為卡布最乖 XD #好啦其實邊剪片邊摸貓很幸福der
息子が初めておやつをあげました^^ 段取りの悪さにモヤモヤするひのきたちがかわいいです♬
The cat meow maybe because she is so hungry.
Нельзя просто так взять и не посветить в ухо ящерице фонариком. Потому что зачем же ещё нужны ящерицы и фонарики в руках? Если у в...
Watch me freak out for another 30 something minutes, as I play yet again with my new Pat McGrath Labs palette.
In this video, we will learn how to paint flower in watercolor, "Purple Tulips" for beginners.
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