나무 캣타워에 고양이 요정들이 열렸습니다
#고양이 #쵸비 #체다 #꼬부기 #Cat #Chobee #Cheddar #Goboogi
Hey Larlees todays video is a HUGE PR unboxing The Holidays are OVERRR and I received some goodies from makeup and skin care brand launches So excited to share whats new and what to look forward to in the world of beauty lifestyle and SKIN Thanks for watching my love xo LauraJust and FYI I Know this is an excessive amount of makeup Brands send this makeup as a courtesy and for advertising With that being said I can t possibly used it all a lot I use to do reviews for you guys The makeup I swatch but still can t use completely goes to family members and friends in AL that don t have the means to buy a lot of makeup The unused makeup goes to donation women s shelters and to you guys my loving audience that watches my channel Thank you guys D I S C O U N T C O D E S COLOURPOP use code LAURALEE for 10 off POSTMATES code LAURALEE will give 100 in delivery credit to your Morphe Brushes use code LAURALEE for 10 off CAN USE IN STORE AS WELL Jouer cosmetics code LAURALEE for 15 off Disclaimer All opinions in today s video are my own I will always state when a video is sponsored and I ve partnered with a brand I do earn a small commission when my code and links are used Thank you guys SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM LarlarleeSNAPCHAT Laura88leeTWITTER LAURA88LEEAll Rights Reserved 2019 Laura Lee
#고양이 #쵸비 #체다 #꼬부기 #Cat #Chobee #Cheddar #Goboogi
パソコンの横から手だけを出して遊んで欲しそうだったので、相手をしてみると別に構ってもらわなくても良かったみたいです。 ツンデレの寧々、可愛いです。
#旅行 #巾着バッグ #丸底バッグ
こんにちは。 ご視聴ありがとうございます(^^)
Official Belmerlion Website: https://www.belmerlion.com Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/belmerlion Instagram: http://www.in...
奴才無知 原來米古想成為一名dancer很久了 這不是特效 他到底夢到什麼 (;・`д・´)
Watch More: https://goo.gl/Kep2iS Today we'll learn how to make Bread pizza pockets. Bread pizza pockets are the really delicio...
箱まる。Box Maru!
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