HUGE Stationery Haul! (Bullet Journal Supplies, Markers & Pens!)

by AmandaRachLee

HUGE Stationery Haul! (Bullet Journal Supplies, Markers & Pens!)


Welcome to Stationery Addicts Anonymous All are welcome F O L L O W M E My old Instagram account formerly known as amandarachdoodles is now just amandarachlee Business Inquiries amandarachlee gmail com P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D Archer OliveUse code AMANDA for 15 off your first order Be sure to check out their instagram too archerandolive I m obsessed with them Tombow I can t find the exact set that I have sorry Sakura MUJI Versachalk Baron Fig Stationery Pal Amazon G I V E A W A Y Closed Music from YouTube Audio LibraryAnimation Design by Sirana Huang siranea D I S C L A I M E RThis video is sponsored by Archer Olive All opinions are 100 my own



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