Huge WEDDING DRESSES Try On and Come Along to my BOOK TOUR

by Inthefrow

Huge WEDDING DRESSES Try On and Come Along to my BOOK TOUR


AD This video contains an integrated paid for advertorial with Daniel Wellington from the moment the caption mentions on screen I was so excited to visit their London Carnaby Street store for the first time to pick out a watch for Alex and myself If you see a watch you love use the code INTHEFROW for 15 off in DW stores and on their website But after that I go on my Manchester and London Book Tour which was so incredible and thankyou so much again to everyone who came along I m over the moon And to everyone who has bought a book so far I can t believe it Just so overwhelmed and happy thankyou all so much x I receive a small of commission from anything bought via the product links below but not the links above It doesn t cost you any more and is a little thank you to me I guess for inspiring a possible purchase What I m Wearing White Knit Last season N PealSaint Laurent Boots Last Season Detailed Knit Sold OutChanel Mules In BoutiquesPink Armani Suit Sold OutCream Hoody Beauty Products Used Shown Feel Unique Video Coming Soon What Who Else is in The Vlog Nails DryBy Londoni Find Me Music by Epidemic Sound www epidemicsound com Thank you so much for watching and for the support always Love you guys so much




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