Look at that it s a pumpkin themed what i eat in a day Can you call this a 24 hour challenge Maybe Not really This video features cozy pumpkin rice porridge a twist on vegan pumpkin spice latte and a comfy pumpkin soup without coconut milk Plus a long overdue Q A Hope you enjoy Email minarome yt gmail comWebsite www mina rome com INGREDIENTS 1 Pumpkin Spice Rice Porridge1 cup rice flakes 100g 1 1 2 cup non dairy milk 375ml 1 tbsp flax seedsa pinch of salt2 3 tsp raw sugar or other sweetener of choice1 tsp pumpkin pie spice or ½ tsp cinnamon a pinch each allspice cloves nutmeg dried ginger ground coriander2 3 tbsp apple banana sauce or just plain apple sauce ¼ cup pumpkin purée 55g berries fresh or frozen for the top and extra non dairy milk serves 2 2 Pumpkin Spice Hot Cocoa1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder¼ cup water2 tsp sweetener2 3 tsp pumpkin purée1 cup non dairy milka pinch of salt½ tsp pumpkin pie spice or ¼ tsp cinnamon a pinch each allspice cloves nutmeg dried ginger ground coriander½ tsp vanillavegan cream serves 1 big mug or 2 small ones 3 Pumpkin Apple Cashew Soup1 small hokkaido pumpkin 500 700g 3 onions2 3 apples3 garlic cloves1 1 inch piece of gingeroil for the pan2 cups vegetable broth 500ml first enough to just cover the veggies then add more later while blending or even after to adjust to your preferred consistency1 bay leaf take out before blending spices of choice i added cumin dried thyme and oregano other dried herbs chilli salt paprika etc juice of ½ lemon more if neededolive oil to taste i added 1 2 tbsp in the endpowdered sugar to taste i added 2 3 tsp in the end serves 4 5Music used Much love Mina This video is not sponsored
豆大福の自撮りがかわいいです^^ 豆大福が顔に乗ってきたら、こんな感じです♪
I was really intrigued by Q+A when I saw the products on Feelunique.com. So when they told me they would be happy to send me some ...
It was drawn by the three primaries and white. This is my original art.
Cute Cats & Dog always make you laugh # 21
ハムスターを飼ったら視力が1.2から1.5になった!(本当) ハムスターを飼ったら友だちが増えた!良いこといっぱい夢いっぱい。 もちろん時には困ったことも起こるけどね(^~^) ☆ハムスターを飼って困った4つのこと。https://youtu.be/IHEo5...
今日は アシアカエビの昆布〆を作ります 活けのアシアカエビを用意して 先ずは 頭を取りますが この時 背ワタも一緒に取ります エビの身の方に 金串を打ち 熱湯で 軽く茹で氷水で冷まし 皮を剥きます 頭は良く茹でて冷ましておきます 後は【2】でどうぞ・・・・ N...
Life is more fun with cats - Cute Friendship between Owners and Cat will make us melting heart 1. Best Of Dog And Baby Videos Com...
Get Ready With Me 今天跟著我化妝、出門 ❤️ 使用大家期待已久的韓國女神Pony聯名款眼影盤試妝,搭配愛用彩妝完妝。
Appreciation video of Panining cuteness 😍
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