I tried to make Lace by hand || Learning something new w/ Enchanted Rose Costumes

by Morgan Donner

I tried to make Lace by hand || Learning something new w/ Enchanted Rose Costumes


Come try something new with me I have always loved lace and I am tickled pink to learn some tips and tricks from Enchanted Rose Costumes fellow fantastic costumer and seeker of shiny new techniques CoCoVidThis collab is part of CoCoVid a collective effort by members of the costuming community to provide educational content during this weekend that would normally see us convening at Costume College the annual costumer s conference This event is FREE for all to attend and is funded entirely through YouTube s advertising system but is NOT affiliated with Costume College or CGW If you would like to see more videos by all of the wonderful creators participating in CoCoVid we have a downloadable printable program just for you with links directly to each person s channel It can be found here Links for Days Amazon Affiliate Page for links to my various sewing supplies and camera equipment Intro music Name of the Child MotionsMy PO box I love postcards PO Box 25695Seattle WA 98165Business email for official business things MorganDonner Business gmail com



Trying Out Watercolor Brush Pe...

  • by Shayda Campbell 1434

In today's video I'm experimenting with watercolor brush pens and painting a lovely bouquet of wildflowers. Try the brush pens for...