I turn a Stainless Bolt into a Combination Lock

by my mechanics

I turn a Stainless Bolt into a Combination Lock


In this video i m turning a stainless steel bolt into a nice little combination lock I was always fascinated by those antique combination locks I really like the design of them A few weeks ago I bought one from eBay but it turned out to be a cheap fake copy I was really disapointed Well if I can t buy one then I make one myself It was quite a challenge to get all the parts done and fit together but the end result speaks for itself I m very happy how it turned out and I m glad I made it I hope you like my work and the video Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to Arthur BeaulieuprahS ProdsAfreeflyingsoulMicky McKayAdel AlSaffarAlan HansonAmanda Taylor EsqAndreswara HermawanAndrew PhillipsDan WilliamsGregoryJoan CasanovasJoel MillerJohn RomeroJonas RichartzJonathan HeckermanLVEMarc PPaul AmbryPaul MampillyTallBaldandCraftyTrevor KamVince ValentiZachary GrimesTimestamps 00 00 intro00 10 cutting the bolt in pieces on the lathe00 53 making the side plates of the lock02 14 making the first pin shaft for wheels fix side 03 46 making the second pin upper shaft fix side 04 37 making the third pin key movable side 06 33 making the fourth pin upper shaft movable side 07 16 TIG welding the pins and side plates together07 35 sanding and polishing the welded parts07 57 filing the slot for the secure ring08 16 making the wheels with numbers out of brass09 16 etching the numbers with ferric chloride10 52 knurling the whells with the numbers11 48 making five tiny springs with 0 3mm spring steel wire12 20 showing the five steel balls12 24 assembling the wheels with the numbers12 44 making a secure ring with 0 8mm spring steel wire13 13 assembling the secure ring13 21 showing the finished combination lockTime and costs of this restoration I was working on this project over 2 weeks 5 stainless steel bolt M20x70 40 knurling wheel 2 printing the numbers 15 steel balls and spring steel wireMy camera Panasonic HC V180If you have any questions about the process machines i m using or other stuff just ask me in the comments I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible Sorry for my bad english it s not my language I try my best to improve my technical english Subscribe for more of my content I m uploading videos about mechanical stuff as new creations and buildings and also restorations Thank you for watching My Patreon Page My PayPal my_mechanics hotmail comFollow me on Instagram



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