My Vlogs Find me here EMAIL beautybroadcast hotmail comMORE videos while I post everything on one channel currently I do have others if you want some extra content NEW Shop My AMAZON Favorites PRODUCTS USED BRUSHES TOOLS USED RELATED INFO Disclaimer Products sent by their brands PR companies include Revlon brow kit Rimmel lip colors All other products were purchased by me These are my own honest opinions Not a sponsored video I have never accepted money from a company in exchange for a video The items listed above are accompanied by affiliate links meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links This has no impact on the cost to the consumer I link to products this way whenever possible and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend I would link the products on Ulta Sephora whatever brand s website anyway as a means of connecting you to further info on the products so now it simply offers the potential for a slight financial benefit to me which I greatly appreciate as I do not ever do sponsored videos Feel free to use or not use the links provided I do not have any coupon codes After being asked in the comments section about links coupon codes how they work and why I use them I felt like providing this explanation Thanks Profound Thought Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom Francis BaconRandom Thought You might wonder whether I d like to go back to the news while I miss certain parts of it I d have to say no In this season of life the main way I want to spend my time is raising my kids and I love getting to do my YouTube channel it s incredibly fulfilling and fun News hours aren t the easiest with a family early mornings or late nights and often holidays too But it was an AWESOME learning experience for me and really helped me grow as a person and in my understanding of others I m so grateful to those who took a chance on me and gave me the opportunity to be part of an awesome team
寝ぼけながら七福神をまずは解体しました。いつもに増して滑舌が悪くてすいません…植え込みはまた後日やります(^^) これからもまったりやっていきますので応援よろしくお願いします!!
Hacemos una bonita y práctica mochila de crochet. En el interior del vídeo puedes encontrar un diagrama o gráfico para seguir más ...
My English channel is released! Please check it out!
はなちゃんの病気の詳細とその後、そして今後の事 はなちゃんと一緒にがんばります。
티티 고양이가 요즘 털이 많이 빠지고 있어요. 집사는 티티 고양이의 털을 빗어주면서 요새 루루 고양이를 따라 하는 티티의 기분을 풀어주네요. 귀여운 고양이 티티와 집사의 애정 넘치는 시간이 시작됩니다. * 9월 15일 라이브 영상입니...
チワワのかんぺーくんと、インコのモレッキくん。 同い年の仲良し兄弟。 モレッキにとってかんぺーは1番の聞き上手なので、よくお喋りしています♡ 最後はモレッキが、私の頭の上に飛んできました(*^^*)
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