Ikea Hacks and DIYs | Home Decor on a Budget from Ikea | August 2017

by Hermione Chantal

Ikea Hacks and DIYs | Home Decor on a Budget from Ikea | August 2017


Hey guys here are some DIY Ikea hacks for your home Use these inexpensive room decor ideas to upcycle your Ikea products into something new and do it on a budget l i n k s i n s t a g r a m www instagram com hermionechantalb l o g www stitchandguild comp i n t e r e s t www pinterest com hermionechantalt w i t t e r www twitter com hermionechantals n a p c h a t hermione xov l o g s www youtube com extrahermioneIKEA Hacks and DIYs playlist Hi I m Hermione and I love making DIY projects that are budget friendly and add a pop of colour to your life Check out my videos to see more DIYs hacks lifestyle tips motivational videos and more



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