Incredible UNSEEN FOOD of AFRICA - Dorze Ethnic Group in Ethiopia!

by Mark Wiens

Incredible UNSEEN FOOD of AFRICA - Dorze Ethnic Group in Ethiopia!


This is Part 2 of our Ethiopian village cultural food tour If you haven t already seen Part 1 you can watch it here From the incredible Konso Village we drove back to Arba Minch in Ethiopia and then continued driving into the mountains to a Dorze ethnic people village high into the misty peaks This is the village where Dessie is originally from and also our driver so they know everyone there It was amazing to arrive to the village One of the amazing parts of Dorze Ethiopian culture are their elephant shaped traditional huts which are unique and one of a kind shaped like elephants One of the main most important foods of the Dorze is false banana also known as ensete It s called a false banana because they plant does not produce banana fruit but just giant leaves and you eat the stump Aunty made a number of extremely unique dishes including a false banana porridge and a false banana pancake along with coffee leaves tea something I had never seen or ever heard of before Visiting the Dorze of Ethiopia was an incredible culture and food learning experience and it was an honor to have a chance to visit on this Ethiopian food tour trip CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you



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