ipsy Presents | The Siren and the Sea | A Storybook Makeup Tutorial

by ipsy

ipsy Presents | The Siren and the Sea | A Storybook Makeup Tutorial


Write your secrets in the sand and trust them with a mermaid We re in love with these beautiful sea creatures and so is alexandra_anele our real life mermaid See how she transformed into the goddess of the sea MERMAID MAKEUP ARTISTAlexandra AneleCRYSTAL MERMAID CROWNInstagram chelseasflowercrowns MERMAID TAILwww finfolkproductions com finfolkproductions finfolk finfolkmermaid mythictailMERMAID TOPInstagram SirenAllure and mermaidhyliMERMAID WIGPowder Room WigsInstagram PowderRoomDwebsite PowderRoomD comFacebook PowderRoomDHAIR STYLISTMyesha HowzeIG mimi_the_hairstylistPRODUCTS LOOK 1 THE HUMAN Starred items can be found in the August ipsy Glam Bag PRODCUTS LOOK 2 THE MERMAID GET MORE IPSYABOUT IPSYWelcome to ipsy s main YouTube channel Our mission is to inspire individuals around the world to express their unique beauty Here you will find all kinds of beauty tutorials fashion lookbooks nail hair tutorials and more New videos are posted weekly SUBSCRIBE TO IPSY



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