Hey friends January is just around the corner so I ve got a quick set up video for my monthly pages I always end up making several mistakes when I do my set ups and I ve left them in as a reminder that they do happen to everyone My favorite correciton tape is linked down below if you re just as messy as I am Thanks as always for stopping by FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM LindseyScribblesMENTIONED StudyQuillSTICKER SHOPS TheCoffeeMonsterzCo VirgoAndPaperMY PLANNER leuchtturm1917 A5 Dot Grid in NavyPENS USED Uni Jetstream 0 5Tombow Dual Brush Pen 620 Sakura Gelly Roll White size 10Tombow Correction TapeMUSIC
Watch More: https://goo.gl/Kep2iS Today we'll learn how to make another Navratri special recipe which is Kuttu Ke Kebabs. It is a...
Alexander Wang’s Saturday night show is a New York Fashion Week highlight, after-party or no. Here, the designer teases a wild nig...
СКК2=2 сезон Сказочного Конкурса Куликовой #скк2 ❤️Подробнее о конкурсе вы можете почитать в статье https://vk.com/@kanzashi_diy-s...
Watch me paint with watercolors! Get 10% off your first purchase using offer code: MARYDOODLES - Squarespace.com/marydoodles Wate...
WunschvideofürNatalie Bergmann。 Meine Stempelplatten
【PR Desenio】
もも「天、ももがキレイキレイしてあげる」 天「いや自分でやるからいいよ」 もも「子供のくせに遠慮しちゃだめ(`・ω・´)」 天「子供じゃないし遠慮でもな、、、(全然聞いてない)好きにしてくれ。僕は寝る」
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