前回の弟の5分メイクの動画 https://youtu.be/1s0BxzU--v4
Japanese Curry Bread 日式咖喱麵包 ApronDough 麵糰Bread flour 高筋面粉 200g 1 1 2cupCaster sugar 细砂糖 10g 1 5TbspSea salt 海鹽 2 5g 1 2tspVegetable oil 植物油 10g 2tspFresh milk 鮮奶 120ml Instant yeast 即溶酵母 3g 1tspCurry Filling 咖喱内陷Onion 洋葱 50g 1 2pcsGarlic 大蒜 2 clovesCarrot 紅蘿蔔 100gPotato 馬鈴薯 100gSea salt 海鹽 2 5g 1 2tspWater 清水 80mlCornstarch 玉米澱粉 1TbspCurry powder 咖喱粉 2TbspWater 清水 60mlWhole egg 全蛋 1Breadcrumb 麵包糠Cooking oil 食油Please leave a LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channelfor more videos and clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videosMy ChannelSecond ChannelBlogAll my videos will only be uploaded to my YouTube channelProhibit unauthorized theft secondary editing and re uploading of videos on YouTube and other platforms我所有的视频只会上传到我的YouTube频道上禁止未经授权的盗窃 二次编辑和重新上传视频在YouTube以及其他平臺 Bread 麵包
前回の弟の5分メイクの動画 https://youtu.be/1s0BxzU--v4
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You can see more of what I do here: https://beeinmybonnetco.blogspot.com/ Instagram: @beelori1
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