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instagram - mgain83
For this video I was on the Best of Tokyo Food Tour with David from The Hungry Tourist His tours are one of a kind and focus on deep high end food For more details check out The Hungry Tourist Shima Steak 西洋料理 島 is a well one of the must eat wagyu beef steak restaurants in Tokyo and it was an honor to be able to have a chance to eat there for lunch one day on this Tokyo food tour You could either order the sirloin or the fillet and I decided to go for the sirloin because it s known to be a little fatter and juicier The chef at Shima Steak 西洋料理 島 has developed his own unique grill for steak where it s a wood fire oven but it grills and bakes at the same time He cuts hugely thick slices of wagyu beef steak and then skewers them to cook in the oven grill It was one of the most tender juicy and insanely flavorful steaks I ve ever had And not only the food but I really enjoyed the friendliness of the restaurant the chef and his wife and how it really felt like you were going over to your relatives or grandparents house to eat a top of the line Japanese beef wagyu steak For dessert one of the things you can t miss when you eat at Shima Steak is their world famous steak sandwich You have to watch the full video to see how it s made but all I can say is that it will amaze you how much beef they stack into the sandwich and how they pack it into a to go box bento style It s mind blowing and insanely delicious Price about 12 000 JPY 106 94 per steakThank you to The Hungry Tourist for inviting me on The Best of Tokyo Food Tour I didn t personally pay for the food in this video NOTE I did not pay for the food in this video it was part of the tour Thank you for watching CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you
instagram - mgain83
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